Larry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
FWIW: SonicWall NSM - How to Fix Offline and Unmanaged Firewalls
When you log on to NSM and the Tenant’s firewall shows both Offline and Unmanaged, do the following: Log on to the firewall that’s not reporting. For Gen 6 devices, change the word “main” in the URL … (View Post)ReplyCategory:1 -
Re: How do I change the Sonicwave 231c from dhcp to static ip?
@dpatten I have configurations that use both methods. In a warehouse that already had a TZ350, I added 4 APs to handle WiFi for barcode devices to scan inventory. The APs were configured in the firew… (View Post)1 -
Re: Capture ATP has identified it as malware, it it real or false positive?
@pmelchiori You would think that there would be a feature in MySonicWall that would let you report this, but, no. According to this posting (… (View Post)1 -
MySonicWall just went from 17.3 to 17.4.3 - what changed?
Can someone please provide a list of changes / fixes / updates that have taken place? Can someone please ask "the powers that be" to include this somewhere on the MSW interface? Thanks! (View Post)ReplyCategory:1 -
Re: SW Community Inter-messaging
@BWC , no to finding a "new message" ability in the Envelope (where I first looked for one). @Chris , FYI: BUT... clicking on your name, brings me to your profile, where there is a New Mess… (View Post)2