@shultis On the Computer first do a DHCP Release, after that you can move the cable over to the TZ350. ipconfig /release
To Check if a VPN connection is up, don't look at the green bols/led. Go to the Active tunnel page. The geen bols/led have a bug in the gen7 and will not always show a connection. No green bols/led Connections up.
R906 is by far not the latest, check on MySonicWall, 7.0.1-5065 is the latest (and greatest so far). Be careful, if you upgrade from r906 and have a TZ470 and TZ570, you will lose SFP+ support and wil not work anymore (no 2,5 or 5 Gbps).
On with the tz 470, 570 and the 670 there is no opion to set the link speed. This problem is only on the Livedemo site. On the real sonicwall you can set the link speed. Same as @blublub, there is no compatible SFP+ modules, This is why I made my case "False advertising". It worked before sonicwall…
@Horace Thanx, I think the same as you, 10Gbps is disabled so NO SFP+ will work (at first it worked fine). It's false advertising:: support Tz470 2.5Gbps and TZ570 2.5 &5Gbps connection is not true
@blublub Thanx It looks like Sonicwall disabled the 10gb port's on purpose because of the cheap 10gb option. No 2.5 and 5 GB option is working and no support from Sonicwall, This is the first time I'm so dissapointed with Sonicwall. I also would have bought the TZ670,
2,5 & 5GB Connection Has anyone successfully made a 2.5Gbps connection with a tz470 or a 2.5/5gbps connection with the TZ570? 10Gbps port connection is disabled as of firmware 7.0.0-R906 so no nbase-t sfp+ will connect on a firmware higer 10Gbps DAC cable will not work (there is no switch that can do 2.5/5gbps on a SFP+…
Tested the New Gen 6 Firmware, the cloud backup is working again.
I have tested this fimware, the clould backup is now working again.
@sambit Send a tranfer request to "" Include the following: Old Sonicwall TZ500 Serial Number: Registration Code: Authentication Code: New Sonicwall TZ570 Serial Number: Registration Code: Authentication Code: You can also open a case in mysonicwall, to tranfer the licence.
Running NetExtender Version 10.2.315. We have no problem running it on more computers with Win11. Extra test: insider version build 22504 prerelease 21111201-1650 is also working fine. Computers running clean Win11 install & upgraded Win 10 to 11 machines.
I have tested different firmware versions. It is working up to firmware 7.0.0-R906 (7.0.0-R906 has to have a clean install). When i go higher It is not working anymore. I opened a case number : 43820508
@Paul_D Is this problem fixed in a new firmware release? Kind Regards
@A_Elliott I stand corrected. Didn't know😉
@Twizz728 I tested with same subnet received form DHCP it works fine. If you have 2 internet connections with and .2 are you sure the subnet is ?