TZ600 running 6.2 - export .sig file?

Hi there,
I'm planning on updating the firmware on our TZ600, so I'm taking backups. Exporting the .exp file was straight forward. But I see that the previous IT team has a .sig file corresponding to each backup. I checked the 6.2 admin guide and must have missed what this file is and how to generate it (and also how to import it should the need arise).
Can anyone lend a hand or point me to an article that explains this? I've googled, youtubed, and searched the KB here on and have come up short.
Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
There should be a download button next to the current firmware with the settings file, as shown below.
But, if you are planning on upgrading the firmware, please export the .EXP and that should be sufficient. You cannot directly upload this .sig file to the firewall and can only be done from safe mode. If you have the .EXP file, you can download the corresponding firmware from mysonicwall and then import the settings.
The necessary backups to be taken before a firmware upgrade is listed in the following KB.
Please follow this article.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Exactly what I needed. It was staring me in the face the whole time.
Happens to me more than I care to admit.
Nice to meet you, @Chris_has_questions. Come back soon!
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager