Re: Firmware 7.1.2 Messed up my config!
It removed some Access Policies and a few Routing policies for us. Some IPSEC tunnels never came back either. Had to rebuild those from scratch. (View Post)1 -
7.1 firmware.....nearly unusable
All TZ470s and TZ270s updated to 7.1 firmware have the process "tRemoteBackupd" chewing up 80% or higher of core0 utilization. Solid red/100% "Management Plane" graph, and a nearl… (View Post)ReplyCategory:3 -
Re: Geo-IP Location
I think I finally solved the similar issues I was having by setting Geo-IP to "Per Access Rule" instead of "Global", and then I edited my WAN->WAN access rule and set the Geo-I… (View Post)1 -
Re: NETEXTENDER not working on Windows ARM on MacBook Air through Parallels
@CROVERT This will be the case for ALL Windows software that's not meant for ARM CPUs, or "Windows RT". Basically, if it doesn't come from the Microsoft Store, it won't work in your Mac-hos… (View Post)1 -
Is it too much to ask to get usable information??
Trying to setup a tunnel interface between a 2700 and a 670, and I get the below error. No other information provided anywhere I can find. (View Post)ReplyCategory:1