FYI, for anyone having issues installing 10.3.1, @ClintConner posted a fix in this thread: Basically, if you install/reinstall 10.2.31 from the EXE version installer,…
Thank you @ClintConner! Worked for us as well. In my case (since we apparently installed 10.2.341 from the msi version), I had to: Uninstall 10.2.341 (msi version) - EXE version wouldn't install over the top of the msi version. Install 10.2.341 (exe version) Install 10.3.1 (exe version) Now to remember who all I need to…
Correct. I actually created a batch file that could "fix it" (you had to run as admin though). I updated a different thread with that script. I am going to test Clint's fix for 10.3.1 today…. hoping that works.…
I have some other updates on this in another thread. I am testing with some users using a startup type of: Autmotic (Delayed Start). I also created a batch file that can fix the issue in about 20 seconds. Now I…
My test batch file works (when run as admin). taskkill /im NetExtender.exe net stop SonicWall_NetExtender_Service net start SonicWall_NetExtender_Service Start "" "C:\Program Files\SonicWall\SSL-VPN\NetExtender\NetExtender.exe" You can throw a pause in at the end if you want to see everything happen. The net stop command…
I'm going to test changing the Service Startup Type to Automatic (Delayed Start) with a user that has had the issue multiple times and see if that might help? Might just be a timing thing on service startup on reboot? Will probably check event logs for the service stopping as well. Also thinking I could potentially write a…
We have numerous laptops with this issue (and 10.3.1 won't install on some of them for some reason). I did just recently figure out you don't have to reinstall it when this happens. It's simply that the service is NOT restarting on reboot (despite being set to automatic). 1. Completely exit NetExtender (Right-click -> Exit…
Update: We have run into numerous computers we CAN'T install 10.3.1 on for some reason (I have a different thread for that issue) and continue to fight this issue on laptops with 10.2.341 I did find out you don't have to reinstall it when this happens though. It's simply that the service is NOT restarting on reboot…
I've now run into about a half-dozen computers I can't install 10.3.1 on. I still haven't figured out a workaround. For us, disabling our AV did not help, and other running the same AV install fine (without stopping it) I did figure out how to resolve my 10.2.341 issue without a full reinstall now at least! The service was…
Same here. I've now run into it on a second computer as well. Pausing AV had no affect. Looked through event viewer and saw nothing of note.
We ran into this issue on multiple devices at our office using version 10.2.341. We ended up uninstalling & reinstalling each time to resolve it (which got old). Not sure if this was a NetXtender issue or something with our AV possibly? It appears this may have been addressed in the newer version 10.3.1 (Issue ID: SMA-5499…
Same issue here (but W11pro instead of enterprise). Worked fine on my laptop. 2nd laptop I tried would not install under the user using UAC or as my admin account on multiple attempts. Paused AV, no change (I use the same AV on mine and had no issue). 10.2.341 installs fine, but we have had issues with needing to reinstall…