Sonicwall's pdf.MP_336 refers to CVE-2018-12754 which was published in July of 2018. It's odd that the anti-spyware engine would all of a sudden start false-flagging a signature that's nearly four years old (not impossible - just unlikely). Especially in lieu of the fact that no one else has chimed in on this thread with…
That's interesting. I'm still on -5051 and was originally planning on installing -5052 this weekend until I saw that -5065 came out and has supposedly fixed a number of issues introduced with -5052. Please let us know. I will hold off our scheduled update because at least -5051 is reasonably stable for us at this point.…
Which "latest firmware" are you referring to? I was planning on installing 7.0.1-5065 this weekend, but since we deal with a LOT of PDFs, I just may hold off. Russ
Ah, but THEN, you have to figure out what version you have distributed to your users without calling or emailing them with instructions on how to find the version number. Easy, I thought, I would just look at the setup file name(s) in my GVC folder. How about "184-010739-00_REV_A_GVCSetup64.exe"? Well, it has SOME of the…
If you want my personal opinion (which is worth every penny you are paying for it), I think you were sold a bill of goods. According to Xfinity's own support website here: , The cabling requirements for internet speeds up to 1200 Mbps:…
Yes, and that is truly a sad state of affairs. This forum is SUPPOSEDLY monitored by tech support staff, and there are SO many questions that could be resolved quickly by one of them, but you RARELY see any of them respond (unless, of course, someone needs to be chastised by @Terri ). Stepping off my soapbox now... Russ
In another thread, @daleb was somehow able to find a screenshot of the notification center with trashcans to delete. Neither my search online, nor looking in the sonicos-7-0-about.pdf (downloaded Feb 7) turned up the same view - everything I have been able to find does not have those icons on them. "Product Managers, take…
Nope - still just ignoring them 'cause they always say the same thing. Russ
@Larry - Our TZ470 was configured using the online migration tool from a TZ400. I can confirm that the sorting behavior is identical in Chrome, Edge and Firefox. In Network / System / DHCP Server / Current DHCP Leases, when you click on any of the column headings to sort, all that happens is that the items rearrange to the…
I can confirm that my TZ470 (still on -5050 until this weekend) does not sort properly, however there is no need to be rude to someone just trying to help. Russ
Try: Russ
You have to manually "Add" the exclusion by typing in the number. Russ
Updating, of course, was my first thought, but I was a little concerned with some of the things I read here: My primary concern was the inability to log in to the device via the web-gui interface, which was reported by a couple of people and apparently entered in as a support ticket, but no resolution has yet been posted.…
I was pretty excited about the list of problems that 5050 seems to resolve and had scheduled downtime this weekend to upgrade our TZ470, but after following this thread, I think I will hold off for a while to see how this turns out. Russ
Here's a possible thought - I can't speak for Xfinity or Verizon - never dealt with them, but Spectrum allows you to purchase your own modems and routers. You are not limited to using theirs - they provide them for the non-technical-savvy users. You mentioned a wifi-capable Sonicwall. It sounds like you haven't already…