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Jaime SonicWall Employee

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  • That's a great question, @maximtech. I see references to the error codes but haven't found a comprehensive list of them. I'll take this feedback back to the team. Here are a few error codes that I'm aware of: E_OK: Usually accompanies by a Success message and HTTP 200. E_UNAUTHORIZED: Unauthenticated or lacks permissions.…
  • You might want to look at using the serial console/SSH CLI method in combination with the API. The KB below should get you set up. You can issue commands to get specific pieces of the configuration as needed. Pushing that configuration back via the CLI will take longer as you want to avoid flooding the CLI session. The…
  • Each endpoint has its supported methods, but yes, you can export from one appliance and push the configuration to another. Just make sure you are looking at the API docs for your firmware version as there are differences in the Gen6 and Gen7 APIs.
  • Hello, I'm not very familiar with PowerShell, but if I'm following your code correctly, you seem to be on the right track. In Python, we would create a persistent session and all subsequent requests would use the session instance. I ran a few web searches and came across a post that seems like it might help you. If my…
  • I'm happy to hear that helped you. This method is listed as an available method in the Swagger UI docs for Gen7 firmware. I found out about the difference while working on a project and noticed the behavioral difference. In Gen6, PUT can be used to add members, but in Gen7, PATCH should be used instead. PUT will do as…
  • Hi @maximtech, Please try using PATCH to add member objects to existing groups.
  • I recommend using /direct/cli. Send a POST to that endpoint with headers: Content-Type text/plain and Accept text/plain. In the body, send raw text “show license status”. The returned text will include the license info and expiration.
  • Hi @CTaylor, Please create a support ticket so we can work with Engineering to provide a hotfix for this issue. Feel free to send me a private message with the case number so I can help follow up on it. Alternatively, you can try the /direct/cli endpoint to send the command as CLI commands in the request body. Thanks.
  • Hi @CTaylor, Thanks for reporting this. I reproduced it and filed a report with Engineering. My suggestion as a workaround is to try /direct/cli to send the commands as CLI commands to the API. I haven't tried it for this purpose, but I think it would work. This discussion has details on how to send a request to…
  • The 6.5.4 API Reference Guide includes references to override, but admittedly it wouldn't be something one could find by searching the document for a keyword such as preempt. With that said, it is sort of hidden in plain sight :). It should be more prominently highlighted in the documents. Thank you for the feedback.…
  • Hi @CTaylor, Sorry for the delay. This week has been hectic. The 6.5.4.x API endpoint for editing an existing physical interface is /interfaces/ipv4/name/{NAME}. I noticed that if you send the following JSON, the command fails as you described. { "interface": { "ipv4": { "https_redirect": true } } } But if you include the…
  • It is technically not editing them but trying to delete them since they are not part of the JSON in the PUT request. You cannot delete physical interfaces so nothing happens to them. You can delete VLAN interfaces, so there's potential those could be removed. If there's configuration the prevents removal of the VLAN (such…
  • Thank you for the info. To create a VLAN interface, you can send a POST to /api/sonicos/interfaces/ipv4. To edit a specific physical interface's configuration, send a PUT to /api/sonicos/interfaces/ipv4/name/{NAME} (X0, X1, U0, etc.). To edit a VLAN's configuration, you can send a PUT…
  • Hi @CTaylor, Can you please upgrade the TZ 570 to the latest release (7.0.1-5023) and re-try? Would you mind sharing the JSON you are sending in the PUT request? Please replace the real values with dummy values. Thanks. Jaime
  • Hi @CTaylor, Engineering addressed the issue and targeted the fix for an upcoming 6.5.4.x Maintenance Release. Thanks. Jaime