Sorry Nat we DIDN'T use Mobile Connect. We use Connect Tunnel! i don't have this program (mobile connect)
Hello NAT, thank you for your help. We use Mobile Connect Tunnel. The resource is added as Host or IP. Its still not working, that the thing why i am getting crazy. It seems that the router from internet is being used for internet access and not the sma. Erdal
Hi Mitatonge, we use Split Tunnel
Hi BWC, the last time i did a Packet Capture, SMA runs out of Space, although it stopped himself after 100%. It seem it is/was a bug. After it ran out of space the Database was broken. But when i tried to capture, i could not see any pakets.. We have updated our SMA and thank you for your answer, i will try a capture…
@BWC Thank you for your correct answer. i ve already inserted the domain in search suffix (private search domains) it still not works. DNS Routing with Split Tunnel In split tunnel, only DNS requests that match the VPN DNS suffix search domains will use the VPN DNS servers. Requests to domains that do not match the VPN DNS…
Thank you for your answer. This wasn't the solution. The Solution was (Crazy Sonicwall - unbelievable). If in your Access Rule you use an Active Directory User (in From field), the Access rule will not work. I had to use an Active Directory Group in From field of the Access Rule, then the access through the…