David W SonicWall Employee
@BWC I do not handle that area but I will see if someone can answer this for you.
@BWC Full tunnel will require a local Access tier not a connector to work. I do not believe that the Access Teir is updated yet.
@BWC Did you use the firewall connector or did you use the latest Linux or OVA? The only ones supporting that right now are the Linux and the OVA,.
@Espen_Langøy Tunnel all means all traffic no matter what it is will use the tunnel. IF that is not what you were wanting I suggest opening a case to work with a tech on this.
@BWC Its pretty much what you see there but like you said firewall is most likely to cause some headaches.
@BWC @Espen_Langøy See the document link here. https://docs.banyansecurity.io/docs/banyan-labs/full-tunnel/
@BWC Can you open a case for it and we can look into it.
@BHO Were you able to find anything? There are several things it could be. Capture Client or any number of things we do have available for client use. Let me know if you found it..
No there in not one for Mac. it is only available for Windows..
@St4ckOv3rflow You should make sure that teh reply to address in the email is NULL which will prevent anything inbound to that address. But in casse something does come in the easist option is to create a policy filter to bounce the email back to the sender and you can configure a custom message.
BWC, it is due to the Mobile connect app itself. There is a new version coming out for it soon.
Please contact support and open a case to get this addressed if it is still occurring.
There will be a 10.0.19 posted shortly. Please keep in mind that support can only report the issue that has been found and anything related to a specific issue will be posted in release notes. There should also be a KB posted soon once the final approvals are reviews are done. Thanks
@Drimalski Do nothing. You can suppress the alerts if you want. Nothing will really be impaired while it is catching up.
@Drimalski Yes, this would still be related to the same issue. However only some are seeing it and others are not. It is being investigated however our backend shows this to be resolved as of Saturday. As @BWC Stated your may be playing catch up and may still get the alerts until it does finish.