Arkwright Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
The annoying thing here is the false sense of certainty that the UI gives the user. The countdown timer is at best guesswork and at worst, total fiction!
"grooming phase"…interesting use of language…I wouldn't admit to grooming anybody on the internet :D
Every new firmware version should get it's own thread in this forum, started by someone from Sonicwall.
IME the only supported version is the most recent one, because if you are running anything other than the latest, they will just tell you to upgrade. So no point raising a ticket if you're not on the latest.
I know they are technically compatible because they've been in use for 10y. This was two SFPs at once that didn't come up. How do I see what the model is from the management interface?
Do you have access to the Mysonicwall account this device is in? If so, you might find some cloud backups there [don't think remote backups are enabled by default though]. Otherwise, just give up now and start re-doing your configuration.
A simple "count" of CVEs is not a fair comparison across vendors. "CVEs per <something>" would be fair, but the problem here is defining "<something>". Even if you compare just the UTM platforms from different vendors [rather than simply the entirety of their portfolio], if they do different things then the one that does…
I've never attempted multiple PPPoE logins on the same interface so not sure what it would look like. That screenshot looks to me like the PPPoE is untagged and then there are VLANs on top of it.
Can you just clarify, does access to the internet from the firewall itself work? I am not sure if you should be able to see anything in ARP entries in a VLAN on PPPoE. TBH I don't think I've seen VLANs-over-PPPoE before. Plenty of it the other way around though.
Great stuff, thanks for that, waiting for part 3!
Come on Larry, it's Christmas 🤣🤣🤣 But seriously, my hope is that it will help anybody who did google it.
There is tick box on IPsec VPN tunnels specifically for allowing management. Check it.
You could cripple NetExtender settings to stop it being used as a VPN as suggested, and then give users who need VPN access with Global VPN Client.
The TZ670 is rated for 5.0Gbps without DPI-SSL. That's aggregate throughput when every physical interface is in use [eg 5 WANs and 5 LANs]. Don't expect to see those numbers in real life [real life = 1 LAN and 2 WANs, for example]. I am not 100% clear on what control plane traffic is. I assume using the management…