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is there any feedback from engineering team?
@Marc_de_Blanck For testing purpose, exclude the FTP server from the GAV, IPS & Capture ATP and upload a file for confirmation.
@Chamil This refers to a technique for using the "DF" (Don't Fragment) bit in the IP header to dynamically discover the MTU of a path. The basic idea is that a source host initially assumes that the path MTU (PMTU) is the (known) MTU of its first hop, and sends all packets on that path with the DF bit set. If any of the…
@SYSADMIN Did you reconfigure the LDAP under the Users-->Settings ?
@MustafaA what about Gen5 ?
@MustafaA The issue has been started on Jan 11th and its affected Gen5, Gen6 & Gen7 Firewall units and created support ticket as well. Initially I thought its affected Gen5 units only because one of the Gen5 certificate (EE Certification Centre Root CA) showing "Bad time value". (The firewall time zone configure properly)…
@JNJCTS make sure appropriate NAT rules has been there.
@logika Did you try below entry? It was working for me.
If it will support NSM, You can do it through the zero touch configuration.
@MustafaA @faldo @Larry @BWC @TIJU @Saravanan @Ateef @JamsheerVP After the long sleep the interface came back to online & able to access local & cloud interface. During this offline period, End users are able to connect to the SSID's like normal no other issues reported until now.
@MustafaA @faldo @Larry @BWC @TIJU @Saravanan @Ateef @JamsheerVP After the hotfix now I am facing one another weird issue. The first incident happen on 18th October and second incident happened today. showing weird behavior that the 621 went to offline mode and not able to reach either through local interface/web…
@faldo I got the same from Support and yesterday I applied. will update you soon the status.
@HushUpYourFace Disable the windows Firewall and try.
@faldo Can I have the hotfix number which they give you for fixing the issue?