I am no expert on firewalls, so I need some help.
I just set up SSL VPN on a new TZ470. I am using NetExtender to connect. When I connect, I get an internal IP address on the 192.168.49.X subnet. The Point of Sale server I need to get to is on the 192.168.10.X subnet. When I try to use the POS software to get into the server, it can't see the folder it needs to connect the software.
Thoughts on how to troubleshoot this?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Best Answer
JohnG Newbie ✭
Okay...we ended up having to reinstall the firmware on the Sonicwall and for whatever reason, it solved the problem. Strange.
Thank you visiting SonicWall Community.
You may have missed below configuration on the SonicWall to reach out to 192.168.10.X subnet when connected via SSLVPN. Please follow below steps to get the user access privilege applied to the SSLVPN user.
After adding the respective access subnets to the VPN Access tab on the user account, please ensure to disconnect the SSLVPN and reconnect.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hi @JohnG,
After complete the above steps as per @Saravanan, You would have to add that subnet / or Server IP in SSLVPN Client Routes;
For that Navigate to the SSLVPN-->Client Settings-->Edit the Default Device Profile-->Client routes-->Add the Server Subnet/IP-->Ok
We have done some extensive testing with Sonicwall Support over the last few days. None of this works. We can get logged into VPN, but can't access anything. They want to do packet capture next. There's a possibility that it's a firmware issue with the TZ 470....or at least that's what support is saying.
What firmware version are you running? I'd recommend either or, though I don't know if those are available for the 470.
What are the routes in the SSLVPN Client configuraiton page?
@JOHNG Did you have to factory reset or just updating the firmware help? what firmware are you using?
No, just run the firmware for 7.0.1-R1262 again.
We are still having problems with SSL VPN. This new firewall has been nothing but problems. We have followed everything you have mentioned above and have called in to tech support. Everything is set up the way it's supposed to be, but we still can't get the Point of Sale server to respond. I would really like to have a higher level tech look at this issue. We had ZERO problems with our old firewall and 6.5.x firmware.
Have you even opened a ticket with support?
Can you provide us with more information? What is your X0 IP and subnet? Is the POS server behind the firewall or located elsewhere?