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How can i get license information from all tenants using MySonicWall API

Hello, i need the license information from all the tenants ("My Workspace -> Products") using the MySonicWall API.

I did all the procedures from the Getting Started: MySonicWall APIs and got my MSW API KEY.

I tried using the endpoint (From Postman), Following the first steps of this tutorial, and got the same error as the comment from that page said "401 Unauthorized" Using both, Bearer Token authorization and X-API-KEY header, with the MSW API KEY as the value:

(in the --my-api-key-- i'm using the respective API KEY i got from the Getting Started tutorial)

What is the endpoint to get all the tenants license info (expiration date, etc. ) and why am i get the 401 Unauthorized error?

Sorry if i missed some information from the documentation, and for any spell mistakes i made.


Category: Developer Hub

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