Major Issue with SonicWall NetExtender & Microsoft 365

in VPN Client
There is an issue with SonicWall NetExtender and Microsoft 365 authentication.
The VPN Client NetExtender modifies this key in the registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections
Which causes authentication with all Microsoft 365 applications to fail.
This issue kept popping up in my environment over and over, and after deleting this key it fixed. It was only happening on client machines that had Dell SonicWall NetExtender installed. Posting this here so other professionals can see the fix.
Category: VPN Client
Greetings @CyberJames - Thank you for the post. Please could let us know which Netextender client version are you using ?
A fix for the Issue was made available via the Nx Client version 10.2.336 which was released on 02 Aug 2023. I've included the release notes as well. The Issue ID was SMA-4585
If you are continuing to face the Issue even with the updated ( 10.2.336 ) Nx client version , please let me know.
re: SMA-4585 - we are still seeing the same problem intermittently, even after upgrading all NetExtender clients to 10.2.336. When this happens, going into Internet Options/LAN Settings/Automatically Detect Network Settings and rebooting resolves it, at least for a while. We have had a couple of repeats on the same PCs.
We have a customer that has had TWO machines exhibiting this behavior. One of them we had to back all the way down to NetExtender 10.2.234 to get her working again. The other one we have reset her networking to fix her issue, but it comes back every few days. I suspect it coordinates w/ her use of NetExtender. I'd be interested to try the 10.2.237 client, but we need to get these users working again so the 234 client is probably in her future. BTW, both machines are windows pro 11 and both use NetExtender 10.2.236
I have a client having the same issue, we have upgraded to 10.2.337 and still have the same issue. I have to reset the internet options every view days to get them back working. Has anyone found a long term fix for this?
Delete the key I listed in the thread above. My assumption is you need to reset your connection properties after updating to the newest client for the fix to be fully applied.
Still having issues with this on a brand-new PC that has only seen version 10.2.337, installed via Winget. My fix was described here: NetExtender Breaks Connection to Microsoft Services — SonicWall Community
Greetings from sunny Singapore.
we are still experiencing this problem with 10.2.337 (64-bit) on Windows 11 pro and Microsoft Office 365 E3 users.
we are now planning to revert back to 10.2.331 for all our users.
We are also experiencing this issue with 10.2.337. Is SonicWALL working on the issue? The supposed "fix" (.336) was released back in August.
Hello @Chris_MBN , @RonnieCorny - We request you to please contact Sonicwall Support. Our engineering team is currently working on this Issue. A private build is available that could be used by you however we ask that you please contact support and obtain the build as there are certain steps that need to be performed while using the pvt build.
Hello , To address this Issue, Sonicwall launched the updated Netextender Version 10.2.338 on 13 Jan 2024. The private build is no longer being offered to customers or partners. Please use the Web posted version 10.2.338 available on ( via the downloads section ). The release notes ( available at ) lists the Issue ID as SMA-4728( Page#4 ) . If you continue to have issues inspite of using the 10.2.338 version, we request you to please create a technical support case so that we may troubleshoot this Issue further with you.
From the bottom of my heart, CYBERJAMES thank you for writing this post. Let me add, the issue also exists on W11 and NetExtender v. 10.2.338. But after 'several hours' of debugging, i finally found this post. Deleted the registry key and had some coffee, omitting to create a support case.
Thank you @CyberJames! This worked for us! After half our staff struggling through the Office 365 app issues...and Windows issues and searching everywhere for a solution! Can't thank you enough!
No worries, I researched and troubleshot this issue for hours which was affecting the business and knew this would help others. Apparently the newest update fixes this issue, however I still think for devices affected by it you will need to delete the registry key. I have since then moved my environment to Fortinet so I was unable to confirm this.