Probing failure on NAT static ip/WLB Resource Failed

Hello all,
We use Sonicwall 5600 for the mani office firewall. In the last three weeks, the internet dropped about three times. We found these logs that match the time:
Probing failure on NAT Static IP
WLB Resource ailed
WLB Failover in progress
After like 30 second,
Probing succeeded on NAT static IP
WLB Resouces is now available.
When this happened, we still had network connection, I could ping and our firewall IP. However, all web browsers or apps were not working. I think it is a NAT issue? since the firewall fails to translate the public ip to private ip. Although the logs show only 30 seconds down time, in reality, we lost internet for about 15-30mins.
My questions are:
- what's the cause?
- how can we prevent it?
There is a similar thread but no solution or cause.
X1 Interface dropping connection — SonicWall Community
Best Answer
Arkwright Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
I suggest you monitor the firewall remotely [eg Pingdom, F8lure] and see if it matches up with what the firewall says. I've never known F&LB monitoring to lie - when it says a target is down, it's down.
What are your probe monitoring targets? With one large site [8k peak users] we couldn't use as a ping monitoring target because of the volume of DNS traffic. Maybe your probe monitoring target is less reliable than your WAN. In that case, the WAN wouldn't be used, even though it's really up.
I always have two targets and tell it to fail only when both are down.