False advertising: TZ470 & TZ570 SFP+ support!

The TZ470 & TZ550 fake SFP+ support, They have no support for the "+" 2.5Gbps & 2.5/5Gbps software disabled.
The document lists 10Gbps compatible SFP+ and DAC Cables, is based on the old firmware up to firmware 7.0.0-R906 with the 10Gpbs ports enabled.
Support is terrible on this matter many hours with Sonnicwall support (case number 43825314 and 43820508).
How can a customer use the 2.5 or 5Gbps Port on the TZ470 or TZ570!
@Sonicwall support: Re enabled the SFP+ port changes made after firmware 7.0.0-R906.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
I agree!
The compatibility table lists modules for which support is dropped - that really is a no-go!
Supporting SFP with 2.5Gb and 5GB only is a deal-braker as basically no fiber modules officially support hat speed.
I have tried many SFP-T modules, inculding the as compatible listed 02-SSC-1874 but so far no luck - NO LINK !!!! I have tried a manifold of different SFP and SFP-T modules costing me 500€+ for the TZ570 and my switches - total waste of my time and money
Why was SFP 10G dropped???????? - for the sake of product segmentation just support 10G Link Speed for SFP and SFP-T and then software limit the throughput to 5G for differentiation from TZ670 - THIS CANNOT BE SO HARD!!!!
some of 3 party products not working properly. did you try different brand products?
I have tried several SFP modules, from sonicwall over FSP custom made for TZ570 to "generic" modules - it just doesn't work.
I even got to a point where the LEDs on my Cisco swtich showed "link", even the Cisco UI showed "link up" - sonicwall showed "no link" - this more than annoying right now!
The whole point here is the above linked compatibility matrix - they show modules as "compatible" which in another KB they mark as "unsupported" - seriously that some tough stuff to digest if you buy a FW for 3K€, look at the compatibility table buy a module and the find out there is "another KB article" marking the module as "incompatible"!!!!
Module: 01-SSC-9785
Marked as "ok" for TZ470/570
Marked as "unsupported":
And all that is completely unnecessary as as the could just support a 10GB link to make it an easy connection and then limited the speed to 5G on the software side - everyone would be happy!
I have checked Link speed options on Livedemo.sonicwall.com and my products, Sonicwall has removed 2.5 and 5gig options. this is a bug. Because tz470 supports 2.5gig and TZ570 supports 2.5 + 5gig.
I do have the link speed option, that is not the problem . The problem is that there are no compatible SFP modules to make a connection and that Sonicwall lists modules as compatible which actually aren't - see above - that is the problem.
On livedemo.sonicwall.com with the tz 470, 570 and the 670 there is no opion to set the link speed. This problem is only on the Livedemo site.
On the real sonicwall you can set the link speed.
Same as @blublub, there is no compatible SFP+ modules, This is why I made my case "False advertising". It worked before sonicwall made changes,
If no SFP+ or DAC cable wil work (only 1Gpbs) with the tz470 & tz570 you can never use the 2.5 or 5Gbps port speed.
It is a complicated issue if one looks closely.
The removal of 10G support means the following:
NO 10G Fiber connections - since there are no fiber SFP modules for 1,5 and 5GB ti just means that fiber is useless
In theory this leaves one with SFP+-T modules for CAT6a connections which very well can do 2,5G and 5G.
The difficulty is to find a working one.
The modules I have:
FS ca do 2.5G - https://www.servethehome.com/fs-sfp-10g-t-review-another-sfp-to-10gbase-t-option/
FS AQ Solution can do it (according) to FS
Sonicwall / and compatible - 02-SSC-1874 - should be able to do it - https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/supported-sonicwall-and-3rd-party-sfp-and-sfp-modules-that-can-be-used-with-sonicwall-tz-series/211102100756253/
With all those modules it is impossible to make a conection from a TZ570 to my Cisco switch - Sonicwall just says "no Link", so by all of what I can find on the internet it is a Sonicwall isssue not accepting the Links speed and/or model - and please remember folks: one of those is a Sonicwall 02-SSC-1874 module and I do not even get a 1G link....
This is beyond frustrating, it cost me hour and hours of testing and hundreds of € to buy SFP modules - yea sure I could go lie I do not give a F and replace the brand new TZ570 with a TZ670 for another 4K€
So finally Imanaged a 2.5G connection.
You have to buy the Sonicwall overprized SFP module 1784 (copper) and you need a switch on the other side supporting 2.5 - best a switch with native 2.5G ports, so no SFP on the switch side as those often only run at either 1 oder 10G (which will not link up at 2.5 or 5g)
This is an absolute NO GO from Sonicwall - buying an overpriced SFP module sucks and it does offset the price difference from the TZ670 to 570, which is really annoying as a customer - but this also limits the TZ570 to run 2.5 oder 5G SFP via COPPER ONLY as all switches only support SFP via fiber with either 1G oder 10G, so you will never get a 2,5G or 5G link via fiber on the TZ570 - this is a major limitation and renders the TZ570 basically uselss compared to the TZ370 in many professional setups.
As I mentioned above this could be easily avoided via a software limitation allowing a 10GB link via SFP and artificially limiting the speed to 5G (BWM) - this way we as customers could use any SFP module.
Thank you for the update.
If you want a 2.5gb throughput, you need 2x SonicWall 1784. It is so expensive that it is cheaper to buy a TZ670.
SonicWall's support is so bad on this topic!. We have decided to discontinue with the SonicWall TZ470 & TZ570 (False advertising: TZ470 & TZ570 SFP+ support!. No fiber STP is ever going to work.)
SonicWall can fix the problem, but it won't
Yes it is cheaper and faster to just bu the TZ670 - correct.
But once you have the TZ570 and you then buy a new TZ670 it will offset you much more than twice the price of the two 1874 - so if you already have it you are screwed.
It could be an easy fix via software, but well it doesn't seem to happen so the TZ570 is model to better avoid
Today we have tested the
AristaSFP-10G-SR10GFiberMMF (850nm) it wil do 1gb not higer so not 10g compatible.