NSA 4600 - Dont sending any SNMP Traps

Hi Community,
we using NSA 4600 Cluster with SonicOS Enhanced
We also use PRTG for SNMP Monitoring. This all works fine.
But the NSA never sends SNMP Traps to PRTG. Other devices send SNMP Traps to PRTG and the community strings are okay. NSA LAN and PRTG are on the same network. SNMP is also enabled on that interface.
SNMP query works fine. But no traps are sended out. We want to know when the WAN is in failover state.
Any idea?
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
No one is using traps?
Hi @Akromat
did you add the trap community both side? and assign the correct oid numbers to prtg trap sensor?
could you enable debug options to "store results" sensor settings
yes, i configure it on both sides. PRTG get alot of SNMP Traps from other devices (Switches, Sophos FW).
Did you mean "store results" in PRTG? I´ll try.
Yes debug option in PRTG. you can check below documents. You should collect traps logs on prtg and anlyz it
Collection is enabled...we will see..
The logging creates only *.evl files and you can not open it.
Funfact: If i enable SYSlog on my Sonicwall it works fine with PRTG.
When you enable the syslog, does sonicwall send the snmp traps?