VPN Policies Disappeared, (wiped ??, No)

After restarting the device, all the policies have disappeared, and I have 13 defined, but if I connect via SSH, they can be viewed and edited, but the GUI, nothing comes out, nor does the WAN GroupVPN policy appear.
If I create a new tunnel, it doesn't appear either. (Test11 in photos)
Is the systax the problem???
Has anyone had this type of behavior?
I've been searching the internet, and I've found this problem on Gen7 machines, but I find only this. old firmware same problem.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I've seen this when I upgraded to Gen 7 device where any special characters in the VPN policy name caused all policies to disappear from GUI. Perhaps they've introduced the same issue on Gen 6. Try to remove all special characters from policy names through the CLI to see if they appear again.
Thanks for your answer.
It is also my suspicion, but Support has nothing to do with syntax in feedings, comments, or object names.
I hope that other people in the community can contribute some experience of this problem, in Gen6 and Gen7.
I will try changing the names of the VPNs when it has less impact.