Sonicwall and Layer 3 Meraki Switch

Hi All,
If I was to set up my Meraki core switch as a layer 3 doing all the inter-vlan'ing and routing like the diagram below (very simple diagram I know), would I need to configure something like the answer to this post:
I want all our vlans to be able to talk to each other and get outbound access to the internet upstream. Do I need to create an object group like they've suggested including all vlans and to them create a static route?
Many Thanks All 😁
Best Answer
BWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
@Closey1200 yes, you need an Address Group which holds, and, then add a route Source Any, Destination <that group>, interface (x0 or whatever fits), gateway (new object).
This is necessary otherwise all Packets from and would get dropped because of anti spoofing detection (and prevention).
Thank you Michael, that's the answer I was looking for. Than you for the quick response.