Connecting ubiquiti Dream Machine SE

I am trying to connect the UDM either to X2 or a switch. I need the devices that will connect to the ubiquiti APs to communicate with wired devices on a different subnet. I can provide more information if needed as I am new to this. Right now the APs are in standalone mode connected to our switches.
Category: High End Firewalls
Provide more information on your needs and current setup.
I currently have the sonicwall TZ470. We currently have two subnets 192.168.74.x/24 and 192.168.75.x/24. The ubiquiti APs that we currently have are in standalone mode and just connected to our switches with POE injectors. Our firewall is our current DHCP server and that is fine. I am unsure on how to connect the UDM. Should I connect the UDM to the X2 interface and create a network on that interface and then allow traffic or should I connect the UDM to our switches? The issue in connecting the UDM to the switch is that the AP's are given a different IP and therefore so are the devices connected to them. We have a hardwired sync server on the network that is a static IP. This server runs a software we use for our prescriptions. Some devices are running the client side of this software and are wireless DHCP clients. If they connect to the AP's that are connected to the UDM which is wired to a switch then that connection is broken and the clients can no longer commincate with the sync server.
What is the point of adding the UDM?
If you're just looking for a UNIFI controller, there's way better ways to accomplish that.
We are expenading and are planning on adding the ubiquiti switches soon and wanted to start with the UDM for better wifi and device managament.
Did you search the forum at all?
IMO, you have two options.