Firmware 10.2.0.x vs 10.2.1.x

What is the difference between SMA 100 series firmware 10.2.0.x and 10.2.1.x ?
From what I've seen so far, it look like two independent firmware series.
Actually we have should we go for 10.2.1.x ?
Thanks !
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
@jess_gagne for any details you need to compare Release Notes. Besides some minor improvements the biggest step seems to be the Integration of WireGuard additional to the SSL-VPN protocol. This worked pretty well for me but I did not do any performance comparisons so far.
From my last exploration under the hood, I cannot report any fundamental advances, same ol' same ol'.
I opened a thread myself a while back, but no response what will happen with 10.2.0.x and if the recent fixes for 10.2.1.x gets in there as well.
Legacy UI will be skipped for 10.2.1.x in some upcoming releases, hopefully the orange UI will work properly til then.