NetExntender mass deployment config

I know very little about the network/Firewall side of this.
My job is simply to package/configure and deploy the NetExtender client to various hosts within our organization.
I have the 10.2.324 msi. This works fine for silent deployment.
However I am not able to figure out how to configure settings. Specifically, I need to configure as many of the following as possible:
Server: <our server>
Domain: <our domain>
Auto-updates: Off
Run domain login script after connection: True
I have found most of the reg keys for these settings but they are locked to the installer. Using local admin to take ownership or change permissions results in an Access Denied.
Is there a built-in way to deploy with a config file?
I should mention that I am aware of the necli cmds. They dont really do what I need as far as I can tell.
My focus has been here in the reg:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicWall\SSL-VPN NetExtender\Standalone\
But at this point, Im open to anything.
Thanks for that TKWITS. I believe I can probably make something work with this. I need to play with it still but the problem I anticipate is that the profile name in the reg seems to be a random string that is different on each client.
Ill post back if I figure that out.
In the meantime, I really hope someone knew the answers to Kizz' question:
Aside from the registry, are there other methods in order to distribute new default profiles in SonicWALL NextExtender 10.2.324?
This looks like what you want......except it's asking you to fill them in when you're installing it and doesn't say if it's available as a parameter to msiexec.
Refer to this guide (at the bottom)
You can add the parameter in a shortcut to the .msi itself