First time using Swagger - I'm confused about two-factor authentication

The SonicOS 6.5.4 API documentation ( says the following:
SonicOS API supports Two Factor Authentication (TFA) for administrators
And yet, it seems that "supports" really means "requires you to use" - because I can't seem to login.
The web page of the Swagger UI reads:
If you are authenticating a username for the first time ever, please login to GUI and scan QR code to active two-factor authentication.
So could someone please confirm that TFA is required?
And if so, perhaps @shiprasahu93 or @EnaBev could you please get the documentation corrected?
FWIW, I've never used TFA to access my own office firewall.
Hi Larry
Swagger only supports two-factor and bearer token login. Nonetheless SonicOS API supports username/password authentication.
On SonicOS 7.0
2FA is not a must, but it is recommended.
@Thomas_Buergis - I'm using 6.5.4 to try to extract all Address Objects in preparation for a migration to Gen7.
I was unsuccessful at getting any sort of response from Swagger without the 2FA code.
Having gotten that far, I received "TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource." and sent an email to SonicWall Support because I cannot find out what that means or how to correct it.