Activated DPI-SSL on TZ250, now images from SonicWall support pages won't load?!?

I turned on DPI-SSL on my TZ250W device last week.
It is set for IPS and GAV on the LAN.
Now, when researching SonicWall documents, the images from do not load or do not load completely.
What steps are necessary to enable viewing these PNG files?
Best Answer
Larry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
@MitatOnge I appreciate an outline of the basics, of which I am well versed. This is an issue specific to the SonicWall site involved. To get around the problem - not solve it, mind you - I've created an Address Object with the FQDN and an Address Group for DPI-SSL Exclusions that is included in the Objects tab of your first screenshot. That's the only way I can see these images without rendering issues.
Hi @Larry
1) You should create SSL for yours or you can use default ssl certificate.
2) enable DPI-SSL client service like bellow screenshot.
3) download certificate from dpi-ssl/client ssl/certificate tab. and install your local pcs on trusted root certificate vault.
4) enable exception categories.
5) enabel client ssl check box on whic you want use zone.
Hi @Larry
sorry I misunderstood. Old version had log problem. It didnt show blocked page or objects. You can try packet capture and maybe you catch blcoked side ip. I have seen anydesk problem like this. Logs didnt show any thing. only catched packet capture.