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Access Site B network from main site of Site to Site VPN using L2TP VPN

joinyasinjoinyasin Newbie ✭
edited October 2021 in Entry Level Firewalls

hi every one,

i have established site to site VPN using Main Mode between Main Site(Site A) and remote Site(Site B) and working very fine since 1 year,

and i have configure L2TP VPN also on site A that is main site mean my office and can access all recourses of My office using L2TP VPN without any issue.

now the Goal is to access recourses of Site B using Same L2TP VPN that configured on Site A

Note: I can ping from Site B IP Pool of L2TP VPN

my network parameters are

Site A or main Site firewall X1/WAN is directly connected to Service Provider with static IP

main site X2 network is is 192.166.31 to, remote site X2 network is and Tunnel is working fine.

L2TP IP pool is from main site network that is to

i have seen similar articles to access remote Site B using VPN but not L2TP

Note: i don't want to change L2TP IP pool.

i have tried below 3 article to test but no luck please guide how i can meet my requirement, last article show that i can find Wan RemoteAccess Networks under network but in my both firewall i was unable to find the same.

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • TKWITSTKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭

    You might have to change your site to site VPN tunnel to a VPN tunnel interface to be able to achieve your goal.

    Otherwise I'd suggest the more flexible GVC or SSLVPN client.

  • SteRadamSteRadam Newbie ✭

    Hello, I'm having a similar problem:

    my StS is between a Cisco Router and my TZ, and I can't include the L2TP IP pool in che cisco-side StS scope.

    The GVC client works OK, but in native L2TP connection (win and MAC) the L2TP IP pool acquired can't communicate with the Remote network.

    I bypass the problem setting the L2TP IP pool in the same nework of the LAN.

    Maybe someone can suggest a better solution?

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