Is it possible to create a portshield to ward a port that is currently in bridged mode?

Hi All, hope everyone are doing good. This is just to ask a quest question, if it is possible if I put for example x6 into portshield toward a x5 that is currently in bridged mode? Please see image below for the error that appeared after i tried. Just want to know if it is doable? Thank you so much again in advance.
Best Answer
BWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
Hi @Rave_Romero12 which Firmware version you're running? I tried to reproduce this with latest 7.0.1-5023 and was not able to put a PortShield to a Bridge-Port, they were not selectable. Maybe this was something "fixed" in a new release because it was not supported.
Why not PortShielding to the main port instead of the Bridge, because the result should be the same?
@Rave_Romero12, what is it you are trying to achieve and what is your current interface layout, are you talking about L2 Bridge or Native Bridge and what firmware are you running?
Hi Sir @preston ESTON and Sir @BWC,
Thank you for the respond. Sir @BWC , yes sir with same firmware. Sir @preston L2 Bridge Sir. Upon reading some articles, looks like it is not really possible to do that Sir ^^. Thank you so much Everyone.
Have a nice day and keep safe.