Blocked by Capture Client Web Protection Filter - but why?

in the recent days I experienced a few messages like this:
The following location was blocked: '' for this process: '' (Filter: 'Capture Client Web Protection Filter')
But I cannot figure out what was the cause of having this location blocked. Even some internal hostnames got blocked for no obvious reason.
Any more information on this available?
Category: Capture Client
Did you ever get this resolved? Turning the log level up to debug should let you see why the site was being blocked.
@DominicWild the issue got resolved by uninstalling Capture Client, all good now. This might not work for all 😉
I have a single Endpoint left with CC. Whenever it happens again I'll try to turn on debugging, which is a total intuitive thing to do in such a case. CC Web Protection Filter was a constant cause for problems.