NSA 2600 is affecting on WAN network, inserting his MAC allover foreign ARP-table

The problem is following:
My local network worked properly until SonicWall NSA 2600 has appeared. Pings were quick and stable. After setting up a Toshiba's hardware, they wanted use 1 my IP to get internet and get acces to several servers from my network - for Sonicwall this IP was WAN-port, but their internal network (after Sonicwall) intended to be inaccesible for me. OK. After a few days of working I have seen that my pings became long, unstable and some virtual Windows servers lost access to the network printers, Radmin connections became long and nonadequate, Windows network browsers does not show all resources and so on... I've noticed that ARP table in my computer contains many unexisting IP equal to only 1 MAC of Sonicwall and this MAC overrides even some existing IP ! When power down this device - my network starts working excellent, everything is seen and OK. After powering up - situations is just the same. "Advanced IP scanner" shows the same - many IP addresses (practicall all inexisting and several existing, f.e. network printers and virtual Windows servers under Proxmox - maybe they are slow responding to pings) have the same Sonicwall MAC.
Service ingeneer says - it not a their problem, Dell is a great company, blablabla, you are using inadequate HP switches, Kerio Control firewalls, etc. I have access to Web administration of Sonic and it seems to me that only 1 checkbox must be un/checked and all will work properly.
Please, help me. Thank you in advance
in attached screenshots are pings without and with Sonic
Is the NSA2600 configured for DHCP or static on the WAN interface? Is the NSA WAN interface the only interface connected to your network? What is the network subnet address behind the NSA?
Seems to me the Sonicwall is causing a loop.
@TKWITS , Thank You for attention!
Tomorrow I'll inspect connections and answer.
Good luck!
All connection were at their position.
MyLAN mainly static
ToshibaWAN static X1
ToshibaLAN DHCP X2,X3,..
Sonic had rules, but ... The problem was partially solved, I had updated Kerio Control with an additional LAN subnet on the same copper network and moved the WAN IP of this Sonic from to After that, my whole 25 network started working quickly, ARP in Sonic was cleared of 25 addresses and now only contains 28 addresses, ARP 25 of subnets does not have a Sonic MAC at all. Kerio has automatically set up routes between subnets 25 and 28, and now ToshibaLAN comps have access to my servers. But I don’t know which checkbox to uncheck
@TKWITS, thank You very much, sometimes it is important for someone to shift the point of concentration to another side with their questions.
Glad you have cleared up the issue. What do you mean by 'But I don’t know which checkbox to uncheck'?
"...it seems to me that only 1 checkbox must be un/checked and all will work properly"
but I still don't know excactly what of all checkboxes is "right checkbox"