No Interfaces displayed TZ470 with firmware SonicOS 7.0.0-R906

I have built a new config from scratch.
The TZ470 was switched off over the weekend and now I want to make changes to the X1 interface.
However, there are no Interfaces available in the GUI when I select Interface settings- it just says "No Data", for both IPv4 and IPv6
I can see them via the Console when I type "Show Interfaces".
I have restarted the SonicWALL again and cleared my web cache and used 3 different browsers - all have the same "no data" message.
The interfaces do show up when I select Traffic statistics, but I need to edit the interfaces.
Thanks in advance,
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Hello @GrahamBarnes,
I had seen something similar on very older versions like R395, and shouldn't happen on the latest version.
I would suggest exporting the settings, resetting the firewall, booting with current firmware with factory default settings, and then importing the settings back.
If that does not solve the problem, it would be best to reach out to support for further help.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @shiprasahu93
I tried your suggestion, after factory resetting the SonicWALL, I could see the Interfaces.
However, after importing the settings I have the same issue.
I will reach out to SonicWALL Support.
I did reach out to SonicWALL support but did not get a conclusive resolution.
I continued investigating this issue and discovered I could replicate the 'disappearing interfaces' if the following 2 items are true.
Only a factory reset would recover the interfaces.
Typically with this issue SSH access is fine, Try that.
If not, you will need to up the firmware, that is the only chance at a solution.
Contact your sales rep, chances are support will not assist you.