Tech Tips: SonicWall Analytics
Hello Everyone, SonicWall Analytics extends security event analysis and reporting by providing real-time visualization, monitoring and alerts based on correlated security data. With On-Premises Analy… (View Post)ReplyCategory:3 -
Re: Connect Tunnel Client installation Issue
Hello @Darshil, Please navigate to Client tab under Monitoring | Troubleshooting section to generate the unlock key based on the token. Here is a screenshot for your reference. Also, I am moving this… (View Post)1 -
Re: Python3 connection to SonicOS API
Adding @Jaime and @skesarwa to this thread as they are experts on this. Thanks! (View Post)1 -
Re: Phishing/SPAM Submission - the right way
Multiple .eml attachments should be okay. (View Post)1 -
Re: Transferring Licenses
Hello @MikeT, If there is a hardware issue, then we automatically transfer the license to the new device once the RMA process is done. As far as EoL devices go, we have a secure upgrade program that … (View Post)2