Tech Tips: SonicWall Analytics

Hello Everyone,
SonicWall Analytics extends security event analysis and reporting by providing real-time visualization, monitoring and alerts based on correlated security data.
With On-Premises Analytics, you can perform flexible drill-down and analysis and gain insight into your network, user access, connectivity, application use, threat profiles and other firewall-related data. It provides the following key features:
• Data collection that includes normalizing, correlating, and contextualizing the data to the environment
• Streaming analytics in real time
• Analytics including activity trends and connections across the entire network
• Real-time dynamic visualization of the security data from a single point
• Real-time detection and remediation
FAQ sheets:
SonicWall Analytics - FAQ
On-Premise Analytics 2.0 - FAQs
How To License And Install Syslog Analytics
Adding Firewall On Analytics 2.0
For more detailed information, please go through Getting Started with Management, Reports, and Analytics and SonicWall Analytics 2.5 Administration below:
I hope you find these useful!
Thanks and stay safe!!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Good Work @shiprasahu93
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services