Arkwright Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
Re: Limit Server Internet Access to Specific IP Range
Rules are processed top to bottom, first match wins. Create a rule allowing what you want to allow. Create a rule blocking what you don't want to allow. Re-order the rules to suit. (View Post)5 -
Re: Multi-Site VPN Configuration (Diagram Included)
Fully meshed [VPN tunnels between every site] will give the best performance and redundancy. Routing all traffic via a "central" Sonicwall will be the least complex to manage, but will requ… (View Post)5 -
Re: Probing failure on NAT static ip/WLB Resource Failed
I suggest you monitor the firewall remotely [eg Pingdom, F8lure] and see if it matches up with what the firewall says. I've never known F&LB monitoring to lie - when it says a target is down, it'… (View Post)6 -
Re: VLAN over VPN Configuration
If you want to carry the actual VLAN tagged frames, ie L2 traffic across a VPN, then no, you cannot bridge L2 networks over VPN with Sonicwall. If you just want multiple networks to be able to reach … (View Post)5 -
Re: TZ 270W functionality question (certificate based access management)
I think this is a task to be handled at switch-level. (View Post)6