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Re: Failover & LB --> RoundRobin vs Ratio
It barely makes any difference which forum you put it in because the software and configuration options are almost identical from TZ270 to SM9700 [or whatever the biggest one is]. So TBH, the problem… (View Post)1 -
Re: TZ300 vs TZ370 firewall rules in general
Zones are apparently based on trust. Zones are groups of interfaces. The "trust level" is a shorthand for, "by default, should traffic from here to there be allowed or not?". You … (View Post)1 -
Re: TZ450 1000's of failed logon attempts
Turns out there are multiple threads in this forum and on Reddit about this. There is a message on the support number about this. There is a hotfix that Sonicwall built for this. But there's no stick… (View Post)1 -
Re: I have a client looking to swap their SonicWall Tz firewall
"Only" 900Mbps? You will only ever get 940Mbps TCP/IP throughput with 1Gbps ethernet anyway, so they're not missing out on much. Yes, you can use the SFP+ interfaces for LAN, WAN or whateve… (View Post)1 -
Re: SSL VPN Can't Resolve DNS
DNS search list. You need to add corporate.local to it so that clients know how to form DNS requests. (View Post)1