Thank you! I have changed the probing.. We will see how this works the next time we get hit. sam
What does it use to sense the service is down? is it strictly the physical connection? If that is so - then I bet that might be part of the problem (the connection goes though a fiber link - so the actual port in the sonicwall was still active. sam
It is running firmware it is running round robin. Thanks! sam
Ok - I think I made a working test case.. I setup one of my websites to only be available from the sonicwall external IP addresses.. I can get to it from our internal network. I then tried to connect to the website with cell data. Could not connect. Then connected to the VPN with the app through cell data and was able to…
One last question.. Maybe. I want internet traffic when connected through the vpn to go through the gateway. I followed the above directions - but how do I test to make sure this is actually working? I thought adding the content filter for a web site would let me know because that site would not work on the client. so far…
That did it! Thank you! The directions I find on the sonicwall site are more of a guideline ;)
I cannot enable https because the checkbox isn't there... my cfs policy looks the same as yours.
Lol - so I didn't notice that the sonic wall was booted into a firmware from 2017... Updated to the latest - now the directions above make sense.. Duh. Thanks!
Thank you. Is there a step-by-step somewhere?
Surprisingly - I reached out to centurytel (lumen) and they agreed that the firewall should not have been applied to the internet connection. They removed it and now I can ping an vpn into the connection. Thanks for the push in the right direction.
I got into safe mode - loaded a factory default firmware - then reset the password. Seems to be working fine now Thanks! sam
You are right - If I enable ping on the 2 interfaces - only the one we have been using is pingable... I will have to get with that isp when I double check it at the modem.
I am not explaining my self very well (and probably don't understand what I am asking) We use net extender to 'dial' into our network. We don't have a dns record associated with our ip address. So net extender points to the static IP address of our ISP. We now have 2 ISP and a second IP address. What we would like is for…
I think that fixed it! Thank you! sam
One last question I think... I have 2 Tz500 that are normally setup in HA. The main one got struck by lightning and we have a replacement in hand. I am playing with the replacment (setting it up as above) and so far so good. I would like to hook it up to the internet and make sure everything else is working but am worried…