Guillermo from SW support figured it out. I had enabled the free trial of Cloud Secure Edge as part of training and it adds a NAT Rule of 'Any - X1 - All Interface IP - Any' with source address 'WAN RemoteAccess Networks' above the normal NAT rule, so then any traffic out through X1 was coming from instead of the…
Updated from 7.1.1 back in september. Started happening right after enabling the Cloud Secure Edge trial. I'm not sure if its the cause of the issue or just a coincidence.
Sorry, lost track of this. Looking to see if i can install CC without S1 so i can run some checks before the S1 install starts.
Found it. nevermind
No, i'd like to keep the TZ's radio on if possible and just add the 224w to a different area in order to provide service there.