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Terr_Sean Newbie ✭

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  • I'm really starting to question SonicWall's commitment to its customers re: security issues. I never even received the "email" and had to read about my, now vulnerable, firewall on a news site. Combine this with the fact that there is no 'firmware' section on these forums, and a search of the whole of Sonicwall.com for…
  • here is a photo representation of the issue. please note the time scale along the horizontal axis and the ever growing width of the bars, indicating longer and longer time between refreshes of the monitor. It goes from updating every 5 seconds to 30+ seconds and longer, with the tab becoming completely unresponsive in…
  • I'm having this same issue with decaying monitor performance and have been ever since updating to the 7.1.1 variants of the firmware. I updated to the newest 7051 version as well, but the issue persists. I do have an open case, but they are making no headway on a fix and keep suggesting I disable features and capabilities…