Hello We do not have plans to add XCP-ng to the supported hypervisors.
hi @Vigneshkumar_S Can you take a look at this and help the user here.
Hi @Protim Can you help review this and respond
Hi , Would like to setup sometime with you to understand the use-cases(user problems) that you or your customers are facing currently with SonicWall firewall. If there is a SFDC ticket that you have created around this, do share the ticket number with use and we will reach out to you for further discussions,.
Hi @Rinconmike Can you upgrade to 7.0.1-5023 and check this again? We have fixes added for some crashes in 5023(latest release)
Hi All, Our Engineering Team has found the issue which was causing this on the TZ platforms. The plan is to fix this issue in the upcoming release. I will keep everyone posted on the ETA of the new build. Please stay tuned for further updates from our end on this. Regards, Tiju