Hi AJISHLAL Ji, Thanks for the suggestions. It worked in one of the two but on the second server, the command didn't work. Yes it added a new rule to the windows server firewall to open the port4444 (which was already there) but still the port is not listening on netstat -an and the result of the command…
Hi AJISHLAL JI, I tried the netstat command and got the below result. A lot of ports are there but not 4444. I have already created a rule in windows firewalls as well to open the 4444 and 4445 ports for both incoming and outgoing connections still not there. I also tried after disabling the windows firewall itself, still,…
Hi Sarsvanan, Are you trying to allow the TCP 4445 on the SonicWall from WAN (external network) to LAN or DMZ (behind firewall)? If so, please ensure you have the inbound NAT policy is also in place. You can refer to the NAT policy meant for TCP 4444. Answer:- I am trying to allow TCP 4444 on SonicWall from WAN to LAN. The…