FYI…Hot Fix (sw_nsa_2700.7.1.3-7015-R4168-HF52368.bin.sig) was provided from Engineering to resolved this issue. Been a couple of days with the HF installed….So far so good…..
You are correct. We have been using that as a workaround but turning it back on after a user reconnects, Leaving that option "off" is not an option for us. This issue only seems to occur to us after a user's session is terminated/disconnected during an active session. Hope they will have a fix soon as this is a PITA.
Scratch the Hot Fix. Just received a message from support: I would like to inform you that the hotfix you received should not be used at this time. Our team has identified an issue that requires further investigation before the fix can be deployed .
What received back this morning from the case: This is to inform you that the engineering team has provided a Hot Fix for this issue. I have attached the Hot Fix to this case, which can be downloaded from the portal under the support case management section.File…
Keep getting more logs and more logs…..Still waiting for resolution…..Seem to not want to admit bug in latest release….Though the number of users reporting the issue seems to have diminished to one a week now.
Also having this issue.... Been having same issue with nsa2700 on Chrome and Edge with firmware: 7.0.1-5145. Happening on multiple computers even after reset the browsers. Firefox seems to be the only browser not affected...... Very annoying.
Having a similar experience. One Macbook and one mac user. The user connects with Mobile connect 5.0.9 via SSLVPN. They connect for awhile and then get disconnected. The SSLVPN active user show the user connected prior to the disconnect. After the disconnect, the user shows on the active user list and the session time just…