If I pull down the list is empty.
So, if I install a Sonicwall NSv on Azure, I will be able to connect to Azure AD by LDAP?
Hi @BWC They got reset on Feb 1st? Why? you mean every year I have to start all over again?
@Ajishlal Yes, I had to open a case witch Support. They could not repair the data base. Ando we had to delete all logs. The problem was that the data base was full. We had to remove firewalls and add them again to Analytics. Thanks,
It would be great if Sonicwall writes a KB that contains this information. We know IPFIX and SYSLOG licenses exist, but, what is the difference between them? I remember user and VPN traffic is not available from one of them. Anyway, Sonicwall, please, is a KB possible?
Hi @Mr_Klaatu Thanks for the article. Very useful.
Hi @Saravanan Thanks, I will be waiting for it. Thank you very much.
I knew about that chart But, isn´t out there anything else more detailed information? Explanation about every step?
Hi! I answer to my self. It needs to be done a "Reset Trust" for the NSv VM. And this task can be accomplished only by Sonicwall Support staff. Since the VM GUID changes for the new deployment, it is this new GUID the one to be used for registration. Thanks.
Hi @Saravanan We have to upgrade NSv50 SonicOS Enhanced firmware to To accomplish this, Support says we have to do a new deployment with the new firmware and then import settings from backup. My question is. How do I register and transfer licenses from the old NSv50 to the new one?
Hi @Saravanan This procedure is not exactly the same as the one it has to be done for firmware upgrade. In my case I have to do a new deployment. And after that, import settings from backup. So, it is another VM. A new one. If I "DEREGISTER", is that going to give me some kind of key to import to the new VM?
Hi! The process seems to be simple. But what about the registration and licenses. How do I move registration and licenses from the old NSv to the new one? Thanks.
Hi @Saravanan Pull every 5 seconds is the default. This is just fine for me. Thanks.
Hi! User refresh login state is resolved with this option at the SSO Domain Controller settings: Now when a user logoff and another user logins from the same IP address, it is applied the correct CFS policy. I still have problems with NetAPI and WMI probe. I have opened a ticket with Support. Thanks!
Hi @Saravanan Not working with 4.1.19 either. This test is also not working.