I think you may have misunderstood my comment. Creating a NetExtender profile that points to the WLAN interface IP was for testing purposes only and that does work. Also, editing the Windows host file to resolve the WLAN interface IP of to works, but is not a solution as it would just…
Well, I’m stumped. I must be missing something, but as far as I can tell everything seems to be configured correctly but it just wont work. Is there a specific NAT policy that needs to be created for the hairpin function to work? I did open a case with support yesterday. No response so far.
Thanks for the reply TKWITS does resolve to the correct public IP bound to the WAN interface. SSLVPN is enabled on the WLAN zone. Create a NetExtender profile using the WLAN interface IP address ( and it works fine. Default rule WLAN > WAN = Allow is present