Hello Michael. Yes we did a object with ip range and did a discard access rule on it. This is valid for WAN to DMZ. As we discussed today, we found a problem in interpreting the behavior. In the access rule additionally GeoIP was enabled. From my perspective it maybe does not make sense. All IPs von the given range should…
So we blocked now several IP-address Ranges. But included IP-addresses are still throwing an alert(country blocked). Does anyone knows, if Geo-Filtering will be checked before the own defined rules are checked? If so it makes no sense to block addresses from blocked countries.
Hello Thanks for the reply. With IP i also try of course IP blocks. We will go ahead. I would be just interesting from the tecnical Point of view. I guess country blocked IPs, which occur very often, will not be checked by geo all the time as an caching should be implemented.