I can do a 1:1 NAT in the tunnel but its only one address object, when I try to do an Address group object with two public Ip address it doesn't seem to work.
I hope this might help show what I am trying to do. Above is from a Watchguard VPN Tunnel the Local side are my resources that need access to resources on the vendor side. As you can see these are DAT and NAT so that the vendor side doesn't see my private IP addresses. The goal is to take this information above and apply…
That is really odd since WatchGuard VPN tunnels I can have NAT and DAT to multiple locations using Public IP address directly in the tunnel. The answer is really not going to help me since I need to access resources on their sides from two different resources on myside.
Thanks for the information, what if I am going to translate the addresses of the traffic traversing the tunnel.
I am trying to allow the tunnel to connect to and from multiple public ip address.