BWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
@dspjones this is a recurring question. Having ping enabled on the interface alone is not sufficient when you try to ping X0 from X5:V102. In your case you need an additional Access Rule from LAN to LAN, X5:V102 Subnet to X0 IP with service ping and having "Allow Management Traffic" in the Optional Settings enabled.…
I don't have any TZ 400 any longer in the field, but if you have access to the unit you can see that value on top of the Access Rules list in the upper right corner (or in the TSR). I have an older TSR of a TZ 500 laying around, and it said 2550 Rules, so I would guess it's not higher than that. —Michael@BWC
I don't have access to a 7.1.3 system with WIFI enabled to check, but 8.0 comes with updated firmwares in comparison to the latest 7.0.1 release (IMHO there should be no difference). 7.0.1 SonicWave-432o/432i/432esw_spw_eng_9.1.3.0_56.bin.sig SonicWave-231c/224w/231osw_spw_eng_9.2.3.0_56.bin.sig 8.0 (same on 7.1.2)…
@Mariusz yes, 02-SSC-3114 is the correct SKU for the 32 GB Secondary Storage which fits into the TZ 370. If you're sure that having the System Logs on the Appliance without further analysis is enough, then it's a viable solution. If you have the chance to do external logging via syslog, then you would have all…
@Mariusz no the TZ 470 does not come with secondary store, the TZ 670 is the only one of the TZ series. The selection of Primary is greyed out and cannot be selected, but Secondary can, even it is not installed, which obviously will not work. —Michael@BWC
@Mariusz sadly the buffer cannot be increased, this was and still is a pain point with SonicWall Firewalls. Sorry for the confusion, the correct term would be Primary and Secondary storage, both of them are "internal" (SSD). The TZ 670 comes with Secondary storage which can be used for saving logs. Primary storage cannot…
@Larry if I click on the magnifier icon (for global search) it's processing forever, I'am not sure if this ever worked on Gen6 because I never used it. —Michael@BWC
@Mariusz the TZ 370 does not have any storage for holding the logs, just a simple ring buffer (32 KB?) If it's filled up all the older events vanish. The lower left corner of the table shows the max number of records available. The screenshot shows an TZ 670 for example which comes with internal storage. —Michael@BWC
@Mariusz this was added with 7.1.3 and 8.0 (on TZ 80). —Michael@BWC
@Sliderhome compared to 7.1.3 it's the same indeed, my mind was still on 7.0.1 because that's the branch I deployed to my customers. That screenshot shows what I meant, even the Livedemo shows -8035 as up to date, despite -8037 should be the latest. —Michael@BWC
@dslee it's available for at least 2 days now on MySonicWall … you can download it in the Download Center → By Product Line or on the Details page of your Product on the tab Firmware. Even on the "By Version" listing its downloadable now, there was a problem on Jan 8 for that. If it is not shown directly you might login in…
The Firmware 8.0.0-8037 gets recognized as new Firmware available on a TZ 80, but only on the update channel "stable". When I check the option "Critical Updates only", which sets the "critical" update channel, it will not be recognized as new Firmware available. Due to the nature of the mentioned vulnerabilities fixed in…
I don't judge 😁, but I guess @Saravanan meant it in the way that it is work in progress (more or less). —Michael
@shwazh you don't have the intermediate certs imports, this is why it fails (probably). Just google for something like this: "openssl create pfx from pem with chain" … you need all the intermediate certs (for the Sub CAs), your server cert and the private key. There are even tools around if you don't like to tinker with…
@Arkwright the grooming phase ain't over yet. I don't know how much resources SNWL dedicates to the Community, but it should step up it's game for sure. —Michael@BWC