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Allowing everything and then blocking ports ad-hoc is going to take you a long time to crack this if the application can just use any old port(s) it wants [only another 65500 ports to try :D ] I suggest you run this on your machine and use the Connection Monitor tool in the Sonicwall to look at what ports it's using. You…
It's bizarre…it's not as if this is some service that you or I are running on our servers…this is their software on their servers, that we pay them for!
it had suggested an access rule calling for service to be Any and that is the only way I have been able to make it work even with port to port being same Yes - if you set the source port, you are "doing it wrong" in 99.99% of cases, because source ports are usually random. Sonicwall can take some blame here - specifying a…
Coming from other platforms it can be a bit confusing. Would be great if the access rule could be "linked" to a NAT policy or at least give a hint in the UI as to what it's doing. Using the comment field on the ACL is helpful here.
We have multiple customers with Starlink and GeoIP just shows them as being in the country that they're in on the whois [the installs are fixed and not roaming around].
I am saying "not". CATP report links still broken.
Will this not have a negative effect on the SSD Storage Module? If this was just some general-purpose computing platform then yeah, pulling the power could be a bad idea. But this is a storage volume dedicated to logging. I am sure it could be engineered in such a way that abrupt power loss is not an issue. Whether…
IMO not so much "silly" as "irrelevant" - Every Sonicwall UTM appliance I have ever used boots up when powered on. Not turning on when power is restored is not normal.
Intriguing. Are you saying you managed to get a different OS booted on here?
Check the VPN status, are the TX/RX bytes incrementing on both sides?
Yeah, this log event confirms it: "Notes ssl inspection fake cache cleaned up " and destination port on these connections is 80. It is a shame that they could not come up with a more obvious way to find these in connection monitor.
two different DNS services listed there but neither are showing any issues. I don't know if "Secure DNS Service" is the service of interest here.
Numbers on spec sheets are aggregate figures achieved through the "industry standard" process of putting multiple flows across every interface. It would be nice if Sonicwall could also publish a "real-world standard" figure of what performance one can achieve with just 1 WAN + 1 LAN in use. Firewall Settings > Advanced >…
I'm not entirely sure what internal SonicWall switch means, I was wondering that myself recently There is switch chip between most physical interfaces and "interfaces" on Sonicwall CPU. Some CPU interfaces have direct link to outside world and on Gen 6 these ports had a "*" next to them. This information is not available…