NSA 220 vpn question

Hi guys,
We have an NSA 220 version and I have setup a site to site connection to the aws.
from the Sonicwall side I can see green lights on both tunnels, but at the aws side it says tunnel is down, but also says: IPSEC up.
What is also strange is that I dont see the table static roots when go to the sit 2 site, there should be 4 tables,
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Hello @mrshahin,
Since these are route-based VPNs, probably phase 2 is still not complete as the static routes are not in place. Could you please add the routes on the firewall for AWS and then test?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @shiprasahu93 Thank you for the reply,
I have already setup the 2 routes in the NSA 220, is this what you mean?
My problem has been resolved, it was a misconfiguration on my part, correct the issue and everything works,
Good to know. Thank you!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services