Firmware Download Speed

in Water Cooler
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to download the Firmware for an Appliance, i don't reach more than 4-5 KB/s, Problems with my internet connection have been ruled out.
Category: Water Cooler
Hello @Bernhard_Winter,
I downloaded it for my TZ 300W and it seems to work fine. Could you please let me know which device model you are trying this for?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @shiprasahu93 ,
TZ670, same behaviour with 370, tried from Austria and Switzerland from multiple ISPs
Hi @Bernhard_Winter
Adjust your Firewall WAN interface MTU and try.
I could download the TZ 570 firmware just fine. Is the traffic going through a SonicWall ?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
@shiprasahu93 I tested the 570 FW just now, same problem.
Has been tested behind Sonicwalls as well as through Mobile Connections, no issues with the download sites from other vendors.
Same issue today, on a 900 mbps internet connection and took 3 hours to download a NSa 3700 firmware file.
I am also having the same issue. Downloads are trickling. I have tried from multiple sites/PCs/ISPs including from home. Maybe its a regional content delivery issue? I am in the Northeast US.
I am also seeing painfully slow downloads for firmware from multiple locations in MD and NJ on Verizon.
same issue for a couple of days, could take hours to download 15 MB firmware update
Me too again yesterday and today
Hi All,
I'm sorry to hear about this inconvenience. We are currently working with the team to confirm any potential issues or bottlenecks.
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
Hi All,
The team confirmed that there was a latency issue that was recently fixed. If you continue to see these types of issues please try again and share the firmware name of the file being downloaded.
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
As I pointed out to two members of the NSM team earlier today, a good place to find out if there is an issue with your product on the SonicWall side is to check
I've requested they add NSM because it has been slow since the 2.3.1 release because of a database load balancing problem. Would have been nice to know without a phone call to project managers...
I think they fixed the latency issue and the status page shown green.
Well, I have a brand new TZ350W and I cannot download the latest 89n.sig file - the session times out.
It seems GeoBlocking played a factor in this.
Why the file has to come from NTT in Japan, when I'm logged into an ISP that is based outside of NYC, is beyond my comprehension.
Hi @Larry it sounds like you were able to download the sig file by disabling Geo-IP. We will confirm internally where the files are coming from, or if Geo-IP is mislabeling our server IPs.
Actually, I called support and the CSR downloaded it on her end and transferred it to my laptop. There were multiple IP locations flagged and I simply didn't have the time - or the patience - to figure out which one(s) I really needed to whitelist.
I apologize for this inconvenience, @Larry. Our teams have identified the root cause (while isolating an issue downloads from NY were redirected to our Japan CDN). This is being corrected so that you won't experience this issue in the future. Thank you for your patience.
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
I am having the same issue whether going through the SonicWALL or bypassing it. It's downloading less than 0.1Mbps then failing after about 15 minutes with a network error. I am trying to download sw_nsa_4700.7.0.1-5023-R1828.bin.sig
I have tried Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
I see it too. I'm confirming with our back-end team now.
Thank you.
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
It is working now. Thanks!