Syslog CEF format - SMA 8200v

We are using Azure Sentinel, which requires syslog to be in CEF format. I'm not finding anything for formatting syslog on the appliance GUI. Is there a way to change to format of syslog output from the 8200v appliances? Our security team will replace the SMAs before they replace the SEIM.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
HI @Shultis,
We are reviewing your requirement. We shall have this thread updated.
Hi @Scott,
As of current this would be a feature request . To get this feature into product line we would request you to open a support request. once we have support request our support team would raise a feature request with Product Management for further review.
we are considering Azure Sentinel as a SIEM and I was surprised to hear of the CEF requirement. I am not convinced that Azure Sentinel cannot ingest raw syslog, but i am not currently using it and no expert.
See what you think from this link:
That said, i would second the request that the SMA 1000 series support CEF directly.
Thanks - I will follow this thread.