Is there a way to put a VM in the DMZ?

Sorry for such a noob question, but I am much more used to dealing with systems here on my home network and more simplistic routers with built-in firewalls.
Anyway, I have a network associated/supported by a Sonicwall on which I have a hyperV configuration supporting numerous virtual machines. I want to put just one of those VMs in the DMZ to test a program that is failing to work properly on our network.
Outside of the network [on a home network], the application works w/o issue. And, that home network does NOT have a fast a communication channel as our business network. We have disable all A/V & firewall-like programs on this VM to no avail and we want to find out if there is something about being inside the firewall causing the issue.
So, again, I'm used to specifying an IP address on my home network to be "in the DMZ" and wondered if there is a way to do this with the Sonicwall, as I'm not able to physically attach that VM via ethernet cable to a different X# port/zone.
Thanks for your time and patience.
Take a look on Router on a stick & virtual interface.
you can create different zone/IP subnet on a virtual interface under same physical interface.
then the leftover is hypervisor V-switch configuration.
"Router on a stick"?
If I understood your question correctly, you want to "attach" a VM in Hyper-V to the DMZ zone in your Sonicwall device, right?
That is possible, but you have to configure stuff on different places. To put it short, you'll have to use VLANs from the VM all the way up to the Sonicwall device. Follow these steps:
You could make the configurations in reverse order (Sonicwall, switches, VM), or in any other order you'd like, but following a path (in either direction) is the best way to not get lost in the configurations.
Hope this helps.
If you have an available NIC on the server and on the Sonicwall you can physically separate it out. This would skip all the VLAN stuff.