Gen7 FW and SonicPoint L3 Manangement

in SonicPoint
Hello Masters, I have a customer intentioned to move from NSA4600 to a brand new NSa 4700 when available, He has several sonicpoint (2x N2, 2x ACi and 1x Ne) managed in L3 mode deployed in branch offices connected via MPLS. Do we have any inidcation this scenario is supported without problem in new firmware?
Category: SonicPoint
Hi @Enzino78 IMHO the NSa 4700 (when there will be such thing someday) should fulfill your needs, all the older APs are still supported in SonicOS7 atm, WLAN Tunnel Interface is still there, so you should be golden. Time will tell.
I'm quite sure there will be no problems. Some concerns on Ne AP that are already EOS. But as you have senteced Time will tell. ;-)
According to a SonicWall University presentation yesterday for the Rocky Mountain (US) territory, the NSa 4700 is expected this summer - possibly to coincide with the one year anniversary of the new "7" series.